Are you tired of the gloom and despair? Do you wish you could get a fresh outlook on what’s happening in the world?
- Sort out confusing messages from the media, politicians, and religious authorities.
- See the world more clearly with statistical analysis from leading researchers.
Why You’ve Been Duped by J. D. King is a Christian take on the “New Optimism.” Steven Pinker, Hans Rosling, and others have documented progress around the globe. Poverty is plummeting. Homicides, war, and terrorism are also at an all-time low. Statistics confirm that the world is getting better. Unfortunately, some assume that this progress is due to rationalism and the abandonment of religion.
The world is improving, but the New Optimists are wrong about the reasons. It’s not science, but the global expansion of Christianity that is transforming the nations. King asserts that the world is changing because of the followers of Jesus are reflecting the love of God in every sphere. This book not only documents amazing global developments but also how Christians are the catalysts for this change.
Why You’ve Been Duped Into Believing That The World Is Getting Worse will help you regain the hope-filled life that you used to enjoy.
ISBN – 9780999282656
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