Passion, Compassion and the Essence of the Gospel… What does love look like? Love is food and comfort to a ten-year-old amputee, abandoned on the side of the road. Love is a new roof for an elderly widow installed before the rainy season. It is sharing hope with the homeless man on your street corner.
Love is not just an ideal. It’s action. Love looks like something.
For over 30 years, Rolland and Heidi Baker have been living examples of the love of Jesus to the people of Mozambique. Here they share incredible true stories of how – when they learned to stop for the one in front of them – God unleashed His miraculous power to change lives. Yet God isn’t moving only in distant lands. He’s moving right where you are. If you are willing, He can – and will – do amazing things when you learn that love is as simple as stopping for the one in front of you.
ISBN – 9781908393074
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