The True Story… Recently some books were released that viciously attacked E. W. Kenyon and the Faith movement, suggesting that Kenyon mixed metaphysics – specifically Christian Science and New Thought ideas – with Christianity resulting in heresy.
Is there any truth to these criticisms? After many years of research and personal study, author Joe McIntyre believes otherwise. Read for yourself the teachings of this great man of faith and how his personal relationship with God has impacted generations. The writings of E.W. Kenyon have blessed and encouraged a multitude of readers. In recent years, some who dislike his teaching have accused him of mixing metaphysics with Biblical Christianity. In fact, few authors have been misrepresented and falsely accused as much as him.
This book examines the claims of his critics and provides evidence that refutes their misguided assertions. The majority of the defense of Kenyon’s theology comes from his own published and unpublished works. In this way, Kenyon is allowed to respond to his critics by his own testimony regarding who really influenced him. Many influential Evangelical leaders of the late nineteenth century helped shape his theology and these men and women are given credit by Kenyon in his writings.
ISBN – 9780977833894
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