In Healing the Orphan Spirit, Leif Hetland explores a central aspect at the root of much of the chaos and division in the world today — the orphan spirit. Father God is waiting for His beloved sons and daughters to understand who they are and whose they are so that all might live in the fullness of our true identity as co-heirs of God’s kingdom.
From the depths of personal experience and a deep knowledge of Scripture, Leif brings clarity to God’s spirit of adoption with answers to questions such as:
- What does it mean to be “adopted” by Father God?
- How is Jesus a perfect example of a son who knows his true identity?
- How does one experience the true nature and heart of God so as to live as a beloved son or daughter?
Leif’s profound teaching and powerful personal testimonies bring to light what it means to live from the place of your God-given identity and enjoy the life of freedom that every heart longs for.
ISBN – 9780578735863
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