Crushed by Evil, Found by Chance, Chased by Goodness… A real life personal tragedy turns into a hope filled story for an 18 year old single mother, merely existing on crutches in the bush of Mozambique. Two writers minding their own book stumble on her story, 217 words in a National Geographic article. A remarkable series of events brings together high school students, university seniors, a Handicapped International deminer and his wife, and a 79 year old Indian ‘Gandhi.’ From three continents the players enter the drama to do impossible.
This story (as told by Douglas Bowman and John Mullen) will restore your faith in humanity and call you to join a movement to restore dignity and justice to 10,000 innocent ones in Mozambique with prosthetics.
ISBN – 9781946978141
“It’s with great personal satisfaction that I not only endorse ‘Florencia, An Accidental Story,’ but also this vital mission of healing. These two men traveled with me to Mozambique in 2002 and had a life-changing encounter. This book is living proof that the “little ole me’s” can do the impossible in the most unlikely of places. If you are facing a God inspired dream with overwhelming circumstances, I highly recommend this book so that you will be encouraged and have your faith increased to be God sized.” ~ Dr. Randy Clark
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