This is Dr. Tom Jones’ thesis called Divine Encounters: Analysis of Encounters That Shape Lives.
Many things influence a person’s life as they walk out their journey here on earth. Childhood and family experiences, religious background, training and understanding of the Scripture all impact, and to one degree or another, shape who a person is and the kind of ministry they will have. But for some, it is more than just the summation of those things.
There are times when a person’s life and ministry are inexplicably impacted and influenced by a divine or supernatural encounter. These encounters often produce “a radical change that separates the past from the present and sets a new future” for the person. They also tend to leave the person with a higher level of contentment and well-being resulting in a greater sense of identity, purpose, and destiny. This author believes it is inconceivable for a person to have a “true” divine or supernatural encounter and remain unaffected.
Find out for yourself if this is true. Read the dissertation study and listen to the interviews of people who were transformed by that one encounter with God.
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