Jesus is called the Wonderful Counselor. How did He take 12 rough, needy men and in 3 1/2 years leave the destiny of Christianity over to their capable hands? Christ the Wonderful Counselor by Micah Joy Williams looks at the intentional actions that Christ took while He was on Earth to reveal the goodness of the Father, the impact of Holy Spirit and how we can live the abundant life through all that He accomplished. You will be transformed and equipped to bring transformation to others through this book.
“In my experience, I went through a two year inner healing school that awakened me to how limited I was in my understanding of the Father’s love for me. Then, as time went on, I was exposed to the message of identity in Christ. In this, I found a grounding I had not known before. Inner healing showed me what I was being healed from, and the identity message showed me what I was being healing into. Now, I know in my core that I am loved, accepted and wanted by the Lord and do not question who He says that I am.
“This book is a compilation of what the Lord has been showing me over the last few years, including material from the inner healing course I wrote for Global Awakening and messages I’ve preached at our church Convergence Center and taught at the Global School of Supernatural Ministry. It has been awesome to see the fruit in people’s lives through these teachings, and how much more they are able to believe the reality of who God says they are. God is so good, and He wants us to walk in the life that Jesus gave Himself for. ”
~ Micah Joy Williams
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