Join various children from around the world in exploring how the gifts of the Spirit from First Corinthians chapter 12 can be activated in the life of a child.
Book 1: Word of Wisdom
In Word of Wisdom, Timmy discovers through the life of Noah how God can give us guidance and instruction beyond our human understanding.
Book 2: Word of Knowledge
In her play time, Carly pretends to be a mind-reading villain who threatens her subjects with the ability to know what they are about to say or do before it happens. In Word of Knowledge, Carly soon discovers that the gift is not pretend nor meant for evil and that a loving God really does share supernatural knowledge with those who have listening ears.
Book 3: Gift of Faith
In Gift of Faith, J.J. discovers that faith is better than worry or fear. Through the New Testament story of the father and his troubled son, J.J. understands that God gives the gift of faith to those who ask.
Book 4: Gifts of Healing
In Gifts of Healing, Raji discovers, through the miracles of Jesus, the power of healing prayer. Does God still heal the sick? Will God heal his hurt friend?
Book 5: Working of Miracles
In Working of Miracles, Tambre discovers that God really does still do miracles. As her mom recounts to her miracle after miracle from the Bible, Tambre receives the faith to believe for her own miraculous God intervention.
Book 6: Gift of Prophecy
Prophecy in its simplest form is hearing what God is saying and sharing it with others. In Gift of Prophecy, a day at the beach triggers Asia’s understanding that God really does speak to people. God’s thoughts outnumber the sands of the seashore, and through Scripture examples, Asia discovers there are many ways that God reveals His thoughts to us.
Book 7: Discerning of Spirits
In Discerning of Spirits, Peter discovers that his fear of the dark flows from the perception of an evil presence. His mom helps him turn his gift toward the light to recognize the presence of God and His angels. In focusing his gift, Peter trades his fear for faith in knowing that God is always with us.
Book 8: Gift of Tongues
Marco and Mia think their television is broken until Mom explains that it’s just on a foreign language channel. Hearing unknown languages makes the children wish they could speak in another language. That’s when Mom uses stories from her special Book to help them discover God’s amazing gift of speaking in unknown tongues.
Book 9: Interpretation of Tongues
In this final episode in the My Super Powers series on gifts of the Spirit, Nuri receives an encouraging message for a new friend through the gift of interpreting an unknown tongue. Through this wonderful encounter, Nuri and her dad are reminded how God’s super powers help us share God’s amazing love for people.
ISBN – 9781518751912 Volume 1 (Books 1-3)
ISBN – 9781519572721 Volume 2 (Books 4-6)
ISBN – 9781519583338 Volume 3 (Books 7-9)
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