From Genesis . . . “In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing.”
What do all the Bible stories actually mean? Will the Bible be too boring for me? Why is the Bible so long?
Have you ever asked–or been too embarrassed to ask–any of these questions? This young reader’s edition of The Whole Bible Story will help you understand what the stories in the Bible are actually all about and how every single one of them fits together to tell one big story about God and his love for people–including you!
Along with the story of the Bible in words you can easily understand, in every chapter you will find great bonus material like exciting illustrations, fun facts and trivia about the Bible stories, simple lists of important characters and places, and easy-to-follow ways to apply the themes to your own life. After reading The Whole Bible Story, you will understand what’s so exciting about the Bible and why God’s Word matters to you!
. . . to Revelation “God has all of history — past, present, future — in his hands.”
Reading Age – 9 to 12 years
Grace Level – 4th to 6th grade
ISBN – 9780764238871
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