How to Minister God’s Kingdom In the Power of the Spirit… This book is a must-read for those who want to be healed, and especially if you want God to use you to heal others. Trillions of dollars are spent annually in the health industry, in our daily battle with sickness. In Doing Healing, Alexander Venter gives us an awesome vision of God’s healing power by sharing his story of brokenness and healing.
He addresses incisively and provocatively the questions of:
- How we understand sickness and healing,
- How our view of reality affects this understanding,
- What the Bible says about it,
- How Jesus healed people,
- How He authorized and empowered the church to heal, and more.
Venter then gives a practical “how to” – both to receive healing and to minister healing as a follower of Jesus – in the six basic dimensions of human sickness: spiritual, psycho-emotional, demonic, physical, relational, and death and dying.
ISBN – 9781983601255
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