Healing by prayer is one thing, but understanding whose energy it uses is another. In Healing Energy: Whose Energy Is It?, Randy Clark discloses the sources behind the power of Christian healing and other healing groups. Christianity utterly relies on the personal God whereas other healing groups derive their healing power from impersonal cosmic energy. He emphasizes the personal relationship with God who heals us and restores God’s own image in us.
Through this teaching, Randy explains how important it is for the church to restore her original power of healing and cogently points out healing as an essential mission of Jesus and His disciples. There is only one true Healer and His name is Jesus Christ. This book is a must read for every believer!
“With an every-increasing hunger for the supernatural and manifest power, it is easy for the world, even the church, to be led astray in that which is masked with what would appear to be Christianity.”
ISBN – 9781937467562 Book
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