Creating and Sustaining a Revival Culture in the Local Church… Who says revival has to stop? Keep the Fire Burning is one of the most thorough books on revival in print today, a blueprint for birthing and sustaining revival.
Steve and Sally Wilson bring a wisdom and clarity to the subject of revival that is not just from theory but from their experience of living in a revival culture. They have cultivated a personal revival culture over a lifetime and successfully empowered others to live a revival lifestyle as well. They began by establishing that it is possible to create a culture of revival anywhere and that it can be sustained. It is not a seasonal event.
Steve and Sally then help us see that the reason revivals are seasonal is due to earthly causes and not because God stopped them. They explore what needs to be valued to sustain revival beyond the usual three to four years of past American revivals.
As you read Keep the Fire Burning, let the Wilsons experiences and impartation propel you and your church into your supernatural destiny as a world changer.
ISBN – 9781937467746
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