Lighting Fires is the story of how God has used Randy Clark to spread the fire of renewal and revival. First in Toronto, and now around the world. This book isn’t so much about Randy Clark as it is about God’s process of preparation for ministry. It’s about how God uses the weak to confound the strong and wise. How God works through hardships to train us in faith and perseverance. It’s the story of how God first worked in Randy’s life, then through his life.
Randy shares how God found him, a common man, whose only virtue was his willingness to be used for God’s purposes. Maybe you, like Randy, have experienced failures and personal setbacks, lived through seasons of hardness and spiritual weariness. If you’re wondering how the Lord can use someone like you to impact lives in any way, much less on the grand scale of global evangelism, then this story and teaching will inspire, anoint and prepare you to light fires of revival in others around you.
ISBN – 9780884194781
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