This training manual is used all over the world today by pastors, teachers, and lay workers who have a hunger for power evangelism. It was specifically created for those who have a desire and a calling from God to reach the lost. Whether you are in a massive crusade setting, ministering through your local church, or involved in one-on-one healing ministry with your friend or co-worker, this ministry training manual will help prepare you to go into the highways and byways to minister the love and power of Jesus.
It is Randy Clark’s hope that God will use this ministry training manual as a springboard for you to launch out into a life of effective and powerful ministry.
Topics covered include:
- Biblical Basis for Healing the Sick
- Curses
- Deliverance
- Five Step Prayer Model
- Healing for Some Specific Conditions
- Hindrances to Healing
- Ministry Team Protocol
- Prayer Guidelines
- Salvation
- Sozo
- Words of Knowledge for Healing
ISBN – 9781944238186 English
ISBN – 9781937467593 Spanish
“This is an outstanding resource for those involved with regular alter ministry. Why “reinvent the wheel”? With worldwide experience over multiple decades, Randy Clark covers nearly every issue imaginable when it comes to altar ministry. I used this as a text for an Undergrad class called Charismatic and Pentecostal Approaches to Pastoral Care at Oral Roberts University. This is a great tool for equipping and empowering believers in Jesus Christ to pray for others. Excellent resource for local church pastors!” ~ Dr. Randy Loeshcher, Adjunct Professor at ORU
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