Spiritual and Medical Perspectives… This course will help you understand the process of healing, how to walk in God’s healing power, and how to embrace a life of divine health. It will investigate various spiritual and medical perspectives on healing throughout history, as well as covering more in-depth aspects of healing in regards to the medical community.
What causes sickness? How do we heal? Is there really a relationship between our thoughts and our health? Is it possible for the dead to be raised? Recently, hospitals have begun to welcome New Age healing methods – like reiki and therapeutic touch. What is this “healing energy” and whose is it?
Topics covered include:
- A Biblical Theology for Healing, A Theistic/Christian Model for Healing Prayer, and Health and Wellness: Causes of Illness
- History of the Relationship Between Church and the Healing Community, How to Receive and Give Words of Knowledge, and Medical Science Research Pertaining to Healing and Spirituality
- New Science and the Implications of Quantum Theory, Psychological Schools of Thought and Their Relationship to Healing, and Psychoneuroimmunology and Healing
- The Healing River and Its Contributing Streams, The History of Healing Within Christianity, and Understanding World Views of the Different Contemporary Healing Models
This event was held in West Haven, CT on September 17-20, 2008. Speakers included Francis MacNutt, Judith MacNutt, Leif Hetland, Michele Kinrade, Randy Clark and Steve Mory.
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