Women and Men Leading Together In the Church… What did God mean when He declared over the first man and woman “LET THEM RULE”? I invite you to join me on a journey—a quest to discover God’s original intent for His daughters and sons.
Have men and women been designed by God to co-labor in shared ministry? Or has He assigned them gender-exclusive roles and responsibilities? Does the Bible clearly indicate that women and men can lead together? Or do the scriptures forbid women from even considering such positions?
“Side by Side describes my personal expedition to discover God’s heart on the issue of men and women in ministry—an issue that will not go away anytime soon. Ignoring it or deploring it will not bring resolve—only further hurt and division. Could the collaborative leadership of women and men in the church be an answer to Jesus’ prayer for us to be one? Though uniquely diverse, we are part of the same spiritual family. Can we tangibly love one another with the same love?
Can we truly serve side by side in the same army, standing together in the same battle against the same enemy whom we will overcome with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead? Let’s spend some time prayerfully processing this—together!” ~ Dave Hess
ISBN – 9798669190965
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