7 Reasons Men Need Brothers… Men were created and designed to be protectors, providers, and connectors. But we don’t step into these roles automatically. We must be initiated into manhood through the brotherhood of other men.
Tragically, brotherhood is becoming a lost art in our culture, and we see the effects all around us. Virtually every social problem we’re facing today, from family breakdown to the mental health crisis, drug crisis, porn addiction crisis, rising crime rates, and more are all expressions of a culture where men are orphaned, alienated from each other, and lacking purpose.
The Way of the Dragon Slayer is a road map for men to find their brothers in arms so they can face and conquer the fears that have always stood between them taking their place as providers, protectors, and connectors. These fears are the seven “dragons” that every man must slay in their primary relationships and realms of responsibility:
- Man with God: The fear of punishment, judgment, and unworthiness
- Man with Himself: The fear of inadequacy, self-hatred, and disqualification
- Man with Women: The fear of rejection, disconnection, and betrayal
- Man with Men: The fear of competition, covenant, and sacrifice
- Man with Nature: The fear of insignificance, vulnerability, and eternity
- Man with Machine: The fear of failure, being out of control, and death
- Man with Provision: The fear of lack, limitation, and comparison
Join Danny Silk and his “band of brothers” as they share their struggles, victories, and vision for a fatherless, brotherless generation to slay their dragons and find their place in a courageous culture of covenant friendships.
ISBN – 9798218382315
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