Worship leader and songwriter Kristene DiMarco turns a new page with the release of her vibrant album, Where His Light Was. This project marks her first release as an artist with Bethel Music, and her fourth career release to date. For Kristene, this album stands as a beacon, representing life lessons and revelation uncovered across the last 10 years of her life.
This album takes people from living in doubt to hope, shifting their identity from victim to victor. It illuminates where God was in your own story and empowers you to encounter the fullness of who he made you to be. “I want to use my whole life to develop new language for hope.” -Kristene DiMarco
“Where His Light Was comes from the perspective of when you’re walking through a hard time, it feels dark, and you can’t see where you’re going, but God said go. If you keep moving forward you will reach your destination and realize you were never alone. Through the mystery and unanswered questions, He was with you the entire time. Don’t give up. Keep going. If it’s not good, it’s not the end.” – Kristene DiMarco
Track List:
- Doxology
- Where His Light Was
- Fear Not
- Take Courage (Radio Version)
- Never Ever
- I Am No Victim
- Jesus Is Willing
- Your Love Stands Alone
- Hope Is Alive
- Could You Be This Good
- I Just Want To Worship
ISBN – 0714929845450
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